Saving Money by Saving Energy

If you are tired of the amount spent on your heating and cooling bills, making your home more energy-efficient is a great idea. There are simple ways to get the most out of your energy spending. Here are some of the best places to start.

Take Care of Your HVAC System

Modern furnaces are designed with energy efficiency in mind, but older furnaces often use a great deal of energy to heat your home. Have a professional inspect your current furnace if you can’t replace it with a more energy-efficient model. Replace your furnace filters once a quarter, which will prevent your furnace from working harder than necessary.

Have a Home Inspection

Home inspectors specialize in examining homes thoroughly to find potential issues, including things that waste energy or contribute to high electricity bills. A home inspection will give you insight into problems in your home and how they can be remedied. An inspector will be able to answer many questions that you have.

Check Your Ductwork to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Another culprit for energy loss is found in the ductwork. Check your ducts for leaks to make your home more energy-efficient, and seal any that are found. When your ductwork contains leaks, air will escape through, causing utility bills to rise.

Keep Your Ceiling Fans On

Use ceiling fans to make your home more energy-efficient. Setting the ceiling fan to turn clockwise in winter will push warm air back into a room when it rises. Fans spinning counterclockwise keep the home cool during summer. Use a step ladder and find the switch on the motor of the fan to change the direction.

Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient by Using a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats take the guesswork out of heating and cooling your home, as they can automatically adjust the temperature based on saved settings. Use these thermostats to change the temperature to a more efficient level at night or when you’re away from home, and then back to a comfortable setting when you need it. Altering your thermostat even a few degrees can reduce your heating and cooling expenses.

Realistic Home Inspection Services offers home inspections to the greater Milwaukee area. Contact us to schedule our services.