Conserving water is an easy and effective way to positively impact the environment and reduce your utility bills. Developing new habits around water usage is easy. Here are a few ways to save water at home.

1. Save Water at Home: Fix Leaky Pipes

A slow drip from a kitchen faucet or cracked plumbing pipe may not seem like much, but even small leaks waste gallons of water every day. Check your plumbing fixtures regularly. If you notice leaks or dripping from the faucet or beneath the sink, make repairs as soon as possible.

2. Install Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets

Low-flow fixtures, including showerheads and faucets, reduce the water used in your home without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Many of these fixtures are easy to install, so you can feel confident DIYing this water-saving project.

3. Use a Rain Barrel

Rain barrels are a great way to collect and store rainwater for your garden. Installed beneath a downspout, they also catch runoff from your roof, keeping it out of local waterways. You can order a rain barrel or convert a plastic barrel to make your own. Your water collection system will save water and store it until you’re ready to use it in the garden or to water the lawn.

4. Take Shorter Showers to Save Water at Home

Reducing shower time by just five minutes can save up to 10 gallons of water per shower. Try using a timer to help you keep track of how long you’re in the shower.

5. Install Water-Efficient Toilets

Older toilets use up to seven gallons of water per flush, but newer models are much more efficient. Install a water-saving toilet to save you thousands of gallons of water each year and lower your utility bills.

6. Save Water at Home: Don’t Let the Tap Run

Don’t leave the water running when brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing dishes. Turn it on to wet your brush or fill up a pot for cooking, then turn it off until you need more. Turning the tap off saves between two and five gallons of water every minute.

7. Don’t Over-Water the Lawn

Many areas have watering restrictions, so make sure you understand them and follow the regulations. Over-watering your lawn can lead to runoff, wasting water, and damaging local ecosystems. Water early in the morning before the sun is too hot for best efficiency.

8. Reuse Greywater Safely

Greywater is the wastewater from your shower, sink, and washing machine. It’s not safe to drink, but you can reuse it for irrigating the lawn or flushing toilets. Before reusing greywater, check with your local authorities to learn about regulations in your area.

Follow these simple tips to save water and reduce your utility bills. A few small changes will make a big difference for your wallet and the environment.

Realistic Home Inspection Services provides inspections to customers in the greater Milwaukee area. Contact us to schedule our services.